Map Ranking

Tribe With No Name

Tribe name:Tribe With No Name
Number of members:12
Points of the best 20 players103.902
Total points:103.902
Average points:8.659
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 273.464 (27.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
higamy 1 27,139 119 7
SHC29 2 18,439 212 4
rikskass 3 14,706 278 5
dendave 4 8,123 453 3
AddSooN93 5 7,981 462 3
magra9870 6 7,936 467 2
Baaka 7 5,216 716 2
Shottky 8 5,050 741 1
cafrat 9 4,683 792 3
Madmike531 10 1,708 1719 1
WhiteWitch 11 1,681 1742 1
RiffRaff2112 12 1,240 2072 1
TWNN was founded by a group of players from previous worlds.

Recruitment: Closed.

Diplomacies: Under review