Map Ranking

Lokian Wolves

Tribe name:Lokian Wolves
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players2.792.061
Total points:2.792.061
Average points:146.951
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.235.192 (23.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Sneaky Jesus 1 604,768 20 101
Red Ranger 2 226,475 106 50
The Coffee Mug 3 222,480 111 48
mjayk24 4 173,959 151 45
mrjocke 5 168,283 160 31
kg27121 6 156,240 167 42
Chili Mac 7 129,143 191 27
tornadon 8 128,086 192 42
Jimmyconway 9 125,732 197 26
Discmike 10 110,318 226 22
little jac 11 108,531 229 25
swampdonkey77 12 98,457 248 18
filphillip 13 93,967 255 19
littlemansyndrome 14 93,515 256 15
DAAVWOLF 15 87,713 260 23
Carnivour 16 85,247 264 21
cedmsdt 17 77,072 275 18
pocong24 18 62,228 299 15
iconnor 19 39,847 365 9
Loki was founded by DAAVWOLF.

little jac --&-- DAAVWOLF
