Map Ranking

The Fellowship

Tribe name:The Fellowship
Number of members:20
Points of the best 20 players6.382.716
Total points:6.382.716
Average points:319.136
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 12.610.641 (10.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
WhoKilledMickey 1 1,122,640 13 148
GustavoSantos 2 637,228 49 85
cidella01 3 495,727 64 83
Roundhouse 4 471,225 70 70
Bankdosa1 5 380,779 98 54
KLICKEN1 6 347,092 111 55
theangrychicken 7 314,760 127 59
AI Ghouti 8 306,994 131 48
AllanonReborn 9 304,440 132 45
Dropkick 10 292,791 139 44
Undead Raptor 11 291,022 140 57
Garv 12 240,214 164 42
Deathdeala 13 232,410 169 34
Ekanfisk 14 218,696 177 31
King Lord Scream 15 165,064 212 37
MoneyMakerSam 16 147,735 226 24
LarsMikaelPOWER 17 136,098 231 26
ripper98 18 99,673 261 28
mabey 19 96,972 263 11
Noobie1 20 81,156 279 14
The Fellowship

AI Ghouti
