Map Ranking


Tribe name:REBUILD
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players15.111
Total points:15.111
Average points:795
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 6.981 (32.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
TnoSugar 1 1,531 605 1
Crypton 2 1,403 719 1
ficko 3 1,408 769 1
kenost 4 1,143 1091 1
thornza007 5 956 1438 1
Farmington5 6 921 1506 1
wezatoon 7 886 1573 1
kingpete 8 876 1597 1 9 785 1788 1
FragUK 10 743 1883 1
mikzta 11 725 1926 1
tanapat.p 12 660 2122 1
forzafcb1990 13 543 2377 1
greybullet 14 542 2380 1
H3DWlG 15 533 2411 1
Old44 16 470 2568 1
anvilsmith 17 458 2663 1
RONNY HO 18 359 3008 1
Gugawelton 19 169 3959 1
.RBD was founded by Farmington5. If you have questions please contact Farmington5.

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