Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 721.818 (43.)
Tribe: Sock~2
Night bonus: Current: 00:00-08:00

Villages (32) Coordinates Points
001 Gondor
471|588 7.946
002 Mordor
471|592 7.674
003 Rohan
471|581 8.375
004 Edoras
469|582 7.100
005 Isengard
470|586 7.090
006 Minas Tirith
467|586 5.673
007 Moria
474|605 8.135
008 Erebor
482|600 9.929
009 Amroth
475|599 8.340
010 Bree
478|601 7.402
011 Archet
476|601 9.196
012 Gondolin
477|601 6.265
013 Amon Hen
471|582 9.273
014 Fukuma Mizushi
467|593 8.467
015 Ryoiki Tenkai
474|589 8.675
016 Muryokusho
479|602 10.059
017 Helm's deep
476|582 9.811
018 Gaikan Tecchisen
476|583 6.575
019 Hanici
475|583 7.551
020 Brekcic
467|583 8.045
021 Bellion
483|598 6.017
022 Igris
472|599 5.768
023 Beru
476|593 6.601
024 Kaisel
476|590 4.977
025 Ratis
477|590 5.421
026 Antares
477|594 1.142
027 Krusevica
480|583 4.837
028 Sung Jin-Woo
478|605 6.981
029 Satoru Gojo
480|578 4.255
030 Geto
481|581 6.502
031 Ljuba Alicic
472|591 2.014
032 Orgrimmar
483|576 4.116
Personal picture
Personal text
A day may come when the courage of men fails
when we forsake our friends

and break all bonds of fellowship

but it is not this day.

Aragorn & Volt